Exocad Basic Training

1-on-1 Remote Access Course

Instructor: DDC Instructor

Course Date: Arranged after registration


Course Type: Remote Access

Connect to a powerful PC with preloaded software and a renowned instructor so you can have the experience of a tutoring session at the comfort of your home of office.

You do not need to have or purchase Exocad to take this course.

Course Description:

If you wish to fully harness the power of digital, you must fully harness the power of Exocad.

The adoption rate of digital dentistry is accelerating. By utilizing the powerful digital tools within the Exocad, its is now possible to design complex cases at the comfort of a digital workstation. Understanding how to use these digital tools is imperative for a dental specialists aiming to stay on the cutting edge.This course focuses on giving students hands-on experience with Exocad.

Step-by-step, we will begin to understand the fundamental tools within Exocad. Students will follow along and design a wide variety of sample cases, each with its own unique obstacles, characteristics, and requirements. Through practice, students will develop an understanding of how each design tool within Exocad functions, and when/how to use each one effectively.

Course Outline:

Getting started with Exocad

The first day of this course will cover the basics of Exocad. Creating, importing/exporting cases, selecting materials, and more are expected within the Dental Manager. Example cases will then be provided to each student and will designed together as a class. Designing on Exocad is taught in a systematic way that helps students achieve good quality designs even when they have never designed before. 

See below for the design concepts that will be covered :

Day 1 -  4 Hours

  1. Exocad DB
  2. Posterior Design
  3. Anterior Design
  4. Inlay/Onlay Design
  5. Frame Design
  6. Facial Cutback Design

Day 2  - 4 Hours

  1. Veneer Design
  2. Abutment Design
  3. Split File Design
  4. Temporary Design
  5. Screw-Retained Design