Course Content

Learn how to use the Exocad Software!

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    Exocad Dental Software

    • Basic Introductory Features and Offset Coping Design

    • Crown Bottoms

    • Cut View

    • Extra Jaw Scan

    • The Chain Mode Feature

    • The Copy Tooth Feature

    • The Expert Mode

    • Using The Cutback Library with Retentions

    • New Attachment Feature

    • Custom Abutment Design

    • Three-Element Bridge

    • Removable Partial Framework

    • Removable Partial Framework Part 2

    • Using the Immediate Load Features in Combination with Exoplan

    • Advanced Telescopic Crown Design with Cutback

    • New Features in DentalCAD Valletta 2.2

    • Virtual Gingiva and Digital Wax-Up Design

    • Thimble Crown Implant Bridge